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Head Office

205 Rainham Road,
Rainham. RM13 7SB
Tel No : 01708 609186
Mobile No: 07837 387824

17 Lewes Road,
Noak Hill. RM3 7YR.
Tel No: 01708 91555
Mobile No: 07494352256

24 Arterial Avenue,
Rainham. RM13 9NX
Tel No: 01708 509526
Mobile No: 07838 368878

About Us

Kadmiel Projects provide tailored support in supported living services for individuals with learning disabilities, autism and complex needs.

The people we support may also have additional physical and cognitive needs and behaviours which others may find challenging.We have been supporting people in Havering and its surrounding areas since 2010, and offer a variety of person-centred services to adults with learning disabilities which focus on meeting people's needs, independent living and achieving outcomes.

We have a lot of experience in supporting adults with learning disabilities as well as people with mental health needs, autistic spectrum disorders and physical and sensory impairments.

Through working with a wide range of people from diverse backgrounds, we understand the importance of respecting the views of each person. We ensure that the tenants we support are involved at all stages of the service planning and delivery.

Enquiry Form

Kadmiel Projects offer high quality accommodation in a supported living environment.

Our properties offer shared living accommodation and individual self-independence.

If you would like to have a confidential conversation about Kadmiel Projects and the services we provide please call us on 01708 609 186

Kadmiel Projects help with the provision of care and support for adults with Learning disabilities, who may also have

Autistic Spectrum
Disorder/ Aspergers

Associated challenging
management issues

Difficulties in
Communication and
with other people

A mental health


All of our staff are trained above the minimum standards and undergo Enhanced DBS Checks.
Most of our clients are from government local authorities. We also provide services for private individuals.

Why Choose Kadmiel Projects?

We’re passionate about the care and support we provide and we do our very best to ensure that our Service Users are not just cared for, but stimulated, cherished and loved. In fact, we like to think that the environment we provide offers our Service Users an opportunity to enjoy a whole new way of life!

Who We Are

Kadmiel Projects Ltd Provides supported living services to Adults with Learning disabilities and learning difficulties between the ages of 18- 65years, who might also present with associated mental health and behavioural concerns. The tenants we support in our schemes may also have complex needs such as epilepsy.